Top 5 Zaidimai kuriuos zaidziau 1 dalis | Top 5 Games played Part 1
1. BLUR- Idomus arkadinio stiliaus lenktyniu zaidimas. Reikia rinkti ivairius zenklus, kurie duoda nitro ar kitokius papildymus, kuriuos naudodamas gali aplenkti priesininkus.
BLUR- An exciting arcade game. It is necessary to collect different signs that give nitro or other additions that can bypass the oaths.
2. SPLIT SECOND - Taip pat arkadinis lenktyniu zaidimas, kuriame reikia prisipildyti nitro pilna padala, tada pradeda griuti pastatai, sprogineti viskas , virsta ant kelio kliutys. Labai smagus zaidimas ypac kai isizaidi.
SPLIT SECOND - Also an arcade racing game that needs to be filled with nitro full, then the buildings begin to fall, everything explodes, and turns into a roadblock. Very fun game especially when you play.
3. NEED FOR SPEED HOT PORSUIT (2010). Smagus arkadiniu lenktyniu zaidimas, taip pat kiek kitoks, nei pirmiau pamineti. Visi zinome need for speed serija.
3. NEED FOR SPEED HOT PORSUIT (2010). A fun arcade racing game is also a bit different from the one mentioned above. We all know the need for speed series.
4. Metro 2033 - Pirmo asmens saudykle isgyvenimo siaubo stiliaus. Pasakojama apie Dimitriju isgyvenusi po branduolinio karo Rusijoje. Siame zaidime surasite kareiviu priesu ir ivairiu mutantu padaru. Istorija labai itraukianti, sukurta pagal knyga. Taip pat rekomenduoju METRO LAST LIGHT (2 zaidimas- tesinys- taip pat labai itraukiantis.) Kam paveza kompiuteris siulau isbandyti ir METRO EXODUS.
Metro 2033 is a first-person shooter survival horror video game developed by 4A Games and published by THQ. It was released in 2010 for the Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. The story is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's novel of the same title, and is set in the ruins of Moscow following a nuclear war, where the survivors are forced to live in underground Metro tunnels. Players control Artyom, a man who must save his home station from the dangers lurking within the Metro.
5 Zaidimas. Prototype 1 ir 2 zaidimai. Supermutantas zmogus kuris turi ypatingu galiu ir visaip ispudingai taso priesus.
Prototype (stylized as [PROTOTYPE]) is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Activision. The game was released in North America on June 9, 2009 (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360), in southwestern parts of North America (Microsoft Windows) as well as Oceania on June 10, and in Europe on June 12. Versions for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were released on July 14, 2015 alongside the sequel as Prototype Biohazard Bundle. Separate versions of the games became available in August 2015.[1]
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