Best TV's 49-50 inch 2018 | Kaip pasirinkti televizoriu 2018 | How to ch...
TOP 10 BEST 49-50 INCH TV 2018 ARVIZAS, best 4K tv 2018,Televizorių tendencijos,GERIAUSI TELEVIZORIAI 2018 55 COLIU,Renkamės geriausią HD televizorių,Televizorių naujienos,kaip išsirinkti televizoriu 2018,Geriausi televizoriai 2018,2018televizorei,arvizas tipslt,ARVIZAS TIPSLT,arvizas,Naujausi 2017 metų Samsung televizoriai,led televizoriai,lg televizoriai,televizorius,televizoriai,The best 4K TVs you can buy,nowadays best tv’s,tv,best tv,How to buy a TV in early 2018,How to choose TV in 2018, ►Subscribe for more videos: Arvizas TIPSLT2 Screen Resolution: 4K or HD? Resolution describes the sharpness of the TV picture, usually in terms of horizontal lines of pixels. They’re very rare at this point and should be avoided, but a bargain HD set may support only 720p, which means the set displays 720 lines scanned progressively (or in a single pass). Other HDTVs support the 1080p HD format, also called full HD, which has 1,080 lines of resolution. But a...